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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We're seriously serious about ingredients.

Today is a snow day.  The first one in a while and a good a day as any to chat about soap.  It's a better day to make soap than to talk about it but the team cannot gather in near white-out conditions here in Maryland. 

The Team is a cooperative group of like-minded horticulturists, artists, farmers, gardeners and your general gaggle of people who strive to live authentically.  We cherish whole authentic ingredients in anything we use. 

We make vegan soap because we love to make soap and we think rubbing animal fat on your body and on your children is gross.  In fact, we have friends who didn't even know that they were doing that every time they picked up a bar of soap at the grocery store  and brought it home to their families.  The ingredient sodium tallowate is animal fat.  How fair is that?  Sodium tallowate sounds so innocent especially buried between words like aloe and chamomile.  But, there it is.   

We're mindful of ingredients - all ingredients - from our laundry soap, salad dressing, fuel for our homes, yard equipment & vehicles and what is in our soap.  There is no consumable product who's ingredients are more important than another.  We don't take a pass on what's in our breakfast cereal just because later we're going to the organic dry cleaners and our green-karma is good for the day.  Nothing is lost on us when it comes to what we put in, on or around our families and friends.   

Not all of us on the team are vegan.  Some are flexitarians (normally vegetarian but eat some meat here and there but limited), pescetarians (fruits of the sea), vegetarians (vegetables, dairy & eggs), or organic and free range meat eaters (meat but conscientiously).  There is no judgment, only awareness.  The point of mentioning that is that we all "think" about what we put in and on our bodies.  Now through Apothecarie Brand Co. we think about it for you and your family as well.

Sure, we've been called "granola", "crunchy", "tree hugger" and we always say thanks and laugh.  We're grateful that our friends know that we're serious.  Seriously serious about the animal, animal by-products and chemicals that are used in massed produced "soap".  An important part of our company's mission is to provide awareness of the egregious use of sodium tallowate and the difference between soap and detergents.  It's a big undertaking but one worth taking. 

Thank you for taking the time to read.  Please look forward to the next blog about the Truth About Soap and Detergent soon.  If this snow keeps up in the MidAtlantic it will be sooner than later!

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